Electronic Filing of Statements of Economic Interests - Form 700

The FPPC is excited to announce that we have implemented an electronic filing system for filers of the Form 700.

In an effort to streamline the submission of your Form 700 filings, the FPPC is providing you the convenience and flexibility of filing your Form 700 electronically, 24/7, in the privacy of your own secured filing area. The system may only be used by filers who have received log on information from FPPC (filers whose statements are forwarded to FPPC).

With our electronic filing system, you can easily complete or amend your Form 700, quickly copy information from a prior year’s electronically filed form and in some situations, complete an expanded statement covering multiple positions. The system automatically checks your form for errors and omissions, and allows you to electronically submit the form to your filing official and FPPC.

Custom Redaction: If your Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests lists the location of your personal residence, you may request to have that information redacted from the version of the form available on the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) website. Similarly, current or former elected officials may request the redaction of the personal information of a family member, including the family member’s name, address, and employer address, if there is a reasonable privacy concern. (See Government Code section 87500.3(d)(2).)  

To submit a redaction request send an email to  Form700@fppc.ca.gov. In the subject line of the email include “Custom Redaction” and in the email body, please specify what needs to be redacted and provide a brief explanation.


If you have questions about filing Form 700 electronically, you can request assistance directly from FPPC staff, or read our Form 700 E-Filing Fact Sheet.