Behested Payments Search: Increasing Transparency
Below is a chart showing "behested payments" reported by members of the Senate and Assembly, and statewide elected officials.
Under California's transparency laws, an elected official who fundraises or otherwise solicits payments from one individual or organization to be given to another individual or organization may be required to report the payment. Generally, a payment is considered "behested" and subject to reporting if it is made:
- At the request, suggestion, or solicitation of, or made in cooperation, consultation, coordination or concert with the public official; and
- For a legislative, governmental or charitable purpose.
Behested payments subject to reporting do not include gifts made principally for personal purposes, or contributions made for election-related activity to the elected official. While state law limits the amount of gifts and campaign contributions an official may receive, there are no limits on behested payments. However, a reportable behested payment that also results in any personal benefit to the official may be considered a gift to the official even when the payment is not made principally for personal purposes. To the extent a behested payment results in a personal benefit, the payment may require additional reporting as a gift and be subject to the gift limit. State law requires the reporting of behested payments if they total $5,000 or more per calendar year from a single source.
Officials must report the behested payments within 30 days of the date on which the payment meets or exceeds $5,000 from a single source. This information is updated on a regular basis. Copies of the full reports are available at the FPPC office in Sacramento, 1102 Q Street, Suite 3050.
Download the raw behested payment data in excel format
Text based search using the name of the elected official, payor or payee.
For more information about behested payment reporting requirements, go to the Behested Payment Reporting Rules for Public Officials webpage.
Behested Payment Reporting - Charitable Solicitations in a Crisis Fact Sheet