Statements of Economic Interests - Form 700

Every elected official and public employee who makes or influences governmental decisions is required to submit a Statement of Economic Interest, also known as the Form 700. The Form 700 provides transparency and ensures accountability in two ways:

  1. It provides necessary information to the public about an official’s personal financial interests to ensure that officials are making decisions in the best interest of the public and not enhancing their personal finances.

  2. It serves as a reminder to the public official of potential conflicts of interest so the official can abstain from making or participating in governmental decisions that are deemed conflicts of interest.

Filing a Form 700

The FPPC is available to answer any questions you may have on Form 700 reporting or filing. However, in order to better assist you, you should obtain your “disclosure category.” A disclosure category is a description of the types of financial interests you must disclose on your Form 700 based on your job classification or position. Each agency defines its own disclosure categories for each position based on the type and scope of work performed. 

To obtain a copy of your disclosure category, check with a supervisor or other designated staff in your agency’s legal or personnel department.

Form 700

Additional Schedules

Amendment Schedules

Consultants & New Positions - Form 700 Disclosure

There are two forms for agencies to use to document filing requirements for individuals serving as consultants or in newly created positions. 

Late Penalties

The guidelines provided in the following document apply to individuals whose Form 700 is forwarded to the FPPC. The FPPC receives Form 700s from certain state and local elected officials, judges, high level state employees, and certain employees for the California Assembly and Senate. If a public official fails to timely file his or her Form 700, the case will be referred to the FPPC Enforcement Division, and a penalty of up to $5,000 may be imposed. File on time!

Form 700-A and Form 700-U

Certain public employees, such as auditors, may be eligible to file an abbreviated version of the Form 700. Check your agency’s conflict of interest code regarding your eligibility to file the Form 700-A.

Only researchers employed by the University of California or California State University may file a Form 700-U.

Form 700 - HTML Version for Screen Readers

Prior Year Versions of Form 700

If you need to file an amendment for a previous year you must be sure to use the correct version of the Form 700. Below are the last seven versions. 

Electronic Filing – FPPC Filers

If the FPPC is your filing officer and you have received electronic login information from the FPPC to e-file with us, please click the button below to access the FPPC’s electronic filing portal. 

Form 700 Tutorials!

Learn more about who files the Form 700 and how to complete each schedule.

Questions About Gifts & Travel?

For guidelines about reporting Gifts, Honoraria, Travel, or Loans click the button below

View Form 700 Filed by Public Officials

Click the button below to search through Form 700s that have been filed by public officials. 

Pay Late Fines

If you would like to pay late fines via credit or debit card, click the button below.

Are You A Filing Officer?

If you have questions about the duties for filing officers, click the button below.